ContactContact us to book your next event
Get in touch with Solodko by filling out our booking form and let us help you plan your next unforgettable event.

Booking Form
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Explore our frequently asked questions to find helpful information about Solodko's products, services, and policies.
Do you serve decaf or alternative milks?
We include oat milk, almond milk, and whole milk for all events. Decaf coffee is an upgraded option that must be paid for before the event.
What power & space requirements do you have?
We can fit almost anywhere, but we do need at least a 6′ by 5′ space for room for the cart and baristas. Each espresso machine/bar requires one (1) dedicated 15-amp circuit.
Can I book for more than a day?
Yes, you can book for up to 3 days in a row.